
School services

School services

The Network of Municipal Libraries works with the schools and school libraries of the different municipalities of the province of Barcelona offering them services that help to familiarize the child with the use of libraries and to acquire reading habits and abilities in the search of information:

Lot Loan
The libraries and libraries of the Network give lots of documents to the schools as a sample of what the children will find in the library.

Visit to the library
City libraries offer visits to schools to make schoolchildren aware of how they function and how they can make better use of their resources.

Activities to promote reading
Organized in collaboration with schools and aimed at promoting the use of the library and foster interest in reading. There are all types: reading workshops, book presentations, author conferences ...

Check out the next activities

The public library provides advice on the organization of the school library.


Biblioteca Jon Coromines del Masnou

La Biblioteca Joan Coromines del Masnou ofereix, a partir del curs escolar 2017-2018, un dossier que vol informar els docents que exerceixen a les llars d’infants, escoles i instituts de la vila dels tipus de visites guiades que ofereix la Biblioteca del Masnou i la metodologia que s’hi segueix.

L’objectiu principal de les visites escolars és donar a conèixer la Biblioteca al col·lectiu escolar del municipi (docents i alumnat), perquè en facin ús, i promoure el desenvolupament d’habilitats i competències informatives.

Libraries offering this service :