Clubs de lectura

Club de lectura de llengua anglesa

They read works written at English and the sessions of dialogue on the works selected have also as a vehicular tongue the English.

Sessions: 4th Wednesday of each month at the 18.30 h.

Driver of the club: Isabella Petith.




Gift you enjoy reading and discussing books? Sound gift we.


Join you for at lively discussion led by Isabella Petith.

New members are always welcome!

"Key read at writer is for me not merely key get an idea of what have says, but key go off with him and travel in his partner."
André Guide

-          Octubre: ‘Black dogs’, de Ian McEwan

-          Novembre: ‘Blue ticket’, de Sophie Mackintosh

-          Gener: ‘Americanah’, de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

-          Febrer: ‘Midwinter break’, de Bernard MacLaverty

-          Març: ‘Normal people’, de Sally Rooney

-          Abril: ‘The Heart is a lonely hunter’, de Carson McCullers

-          Maig: ‘Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage : stories’, de Alice Munro

  • Adults

Date updated: 23/07/2024