Guies de lectura

Guide of resources: Culture of the Peace

Guide of resources: Culture of the Peace

The Library Sant Ildefons opened his doors with the will of future a room of reference of the associative movement of the civil society, collecting information and documents at the respect and posing them near at hand of the citizenry. Since this frame, have improved a fund specialised at Social Movements. This collection is formed by a pool of documents where the common axis are the acts realised by the civil society and the citizenry at defence of the human royalties, environmental, the citizen turnout and the dialogue for the peace, with the principal aim to further the social cohesion.

Our "Guide of resources: Pau's Culture" will show you the distinct sections at what will work and offers you a first selection of resources.


Date created: 16/03/2023

Last updated: 20/03/2024

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