Special Collections

ARTS DE L'AGULLA - Sabadell. Biblioteca La Serra

"ARTS DE L'AGULLA" (Needle Arts) is the special collection at La Serra Library, offering a curated selection of books, magazines, and films dedicated to fashion, sewing, and needlecraft.

It is also the library's unique project, and therefore, you will often find activities related to textile crafts. Every year, in celebration of World Wide Knit in Public Day, a week full of activities around knitting is organized, concluding in a community gathering to knit in public.



Sabadell was one of the most important industrial cities in the country’s textile sector during the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. This is how the chimneys and steam factories scattered throughout the city serve as a reminder, many of which have been repurposed for other uses. As a result of this past, the city is now home to several textile design schools, as well as other related institutions and associations.

Moreover, in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in designing and creating clothing and other fashion items using traditional sewing and knitting techniques, while also evolving towards more innovative and modern methods. This movement is known as the DIY (do it yourself) philosophy.

Sewing kit

Just like a profesional sewing kit has to include suitable tools, this documentary collection includes a selection of high-quality, up-to-date documents, organized into different thematic areas. The entire collection is available for loan.

  • History & Biographies: history of the textile industry, fashion, clothing, biographies of designers and fashion brands.

  • Fashion & Business: fashion business management, promotion, and marketing.

  • Fashion Design: fashion design, human figure drawing, and fashion illustration.

  • Sewing & Pattern Making: cutting and dressmaking, pattern-making techniques, hand and machine sewing.

  • Fabrics: textiles, threads, and garment care.

  • Textile Crafts: crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, embroidery, patchwork, amigurumi, macramé, bobbin lace, etc.

  • Textile DIY: jewelry making, tassels, fabric painting, etc.

  • Stitches in Fiction: novels, comics, and films related to sewing and fashion.

  • Children’s Section: children’s books on fashion, fabrics, and sewing; illustrated stories and picture books.


Beyond what you’ll find on the library shelves, you can explore our specialized website to discover news related to the world of fashion and textile crafts, reading recommendations, new releases, and a selection of links to influencers, video tutorials, knitting groups, museums, training centers, and more.


For inspiration

Check out the recommendations and thematic guides published by the library to stay up to date with new releases and key reference books on this topic.

Find inspiration in specialized magazines to keep up with the latest fashion trends, learn new sewing techniques, discover unique projects, redecorate your home, customize your clothes, and much more.

Burda Style | Patrones | Ottobre design

Labores del hogar | Tricotar en casa | Patchwork en casa

Labores de Ana | Baby. Labores de Ana


To learn

Click here to discover all the activities organized at the library.

Click here to read our latest blog posts.




Subjects: Moda, Manualitats