Special Collections

Barcelonan novella

How come Barcelonan novella?
Our library is specialised at novella and narrative of the 20th century and contemporary acclimatised at Barcelona.
The 20th century has been a century of a lot of social changes, economic, cultural, technological, politicians. It has lived two world wars and at our case, at ours home, have passed a civil war, a dictatorship and a democracy.
The fund of novella will be able to reflect all these events, of a creative and complete way.

The library recovers of exhaustive way the works published that they track the following criteria :

  • Works published since principles of the 20th century until the actuality.
  • Works at those that treat the transformation urbanística of the city, portray the habits of the society of a concrete epoch, make a historic portrait of the city. That is to say the novella as a sociological portrait.
  • Works at those that the argument elapse at his main part at Barcelona's city.
  • Those works at those that, in spite of not appearing explicitly the name of the city, Barcelona was identifiable as a arena. That is to say, the occult city.

As a support at our specialisation our fund also contains: manuals, literary surveys, biographies that treat on these works and his authors.

The library also offers activities related how the club of Barcelonan novella and the club of Barcelonan black novella. At these sessions have had the opportunity to share the reading with Marta Orriols, Maria Guasch, Carlos Zanón, Llucia Ramis or Xavier Bosch.

And to start with at discovering the fund propose you eight strolled by the literary Barcelona.


Additional information:

The specialisation of Barcelonan Novella has taken us to total all a series of documents on Barcelona's history , his urbanisme, the legends, guides and books with curiosities on the city. All this well-bodied fund and own entity has become our Room Barcelona.

Most of these documents can wear at loan.

Subjects: Literatura
Labels: espai barcelona, novel·les