Special Collections

Social movements and civil society - Cornellà de Llobregat. Biblioteca Sant Ildefons
Social movements and civil society

At ends of the years 50 Cornellà became a reference of the citizen fight for the royalties of the persons, starred by a mostly working society, often arrived of other places. It was an associative movement and reivindicatiu, sometimes clandestine, that has converted at a sign of identity of the city. Of here it is born the will of the Library Sant Ildefons of being a room of reference of the associative and social movement, with a skilled fund where find documents on the defence of the peace and the nonviolence; the citizen turnout like the base of the associative movement; cultural dialogue; theoretic ideas, his history and missions.

You Will find documents related with:

1. Bibliographies and guides.
First approach at the social movements: directories and bibliographies.

2. Sociology of the social Movements
Deepen at the theoretic ideas, global and analytic that have conducted at the creation of the social movements. Assays on social economics, as well as philosophic visions and of prospecció of analysis of the society. Surveys that talk of his history and of his mission.

3. Associacionisme and cooperativisme
We understand the citizen turnout like the base of the associative movement and of the cooperativisme, therefore all the documents related with these themed will be included at this section: associations of neighbours, ONG, entities without spirit of lucre, foundations, etc. that they work always at defence of the human royalties, of minorities in particular, of the royalties of the animals and of the defence of the planet.

4. Human royalties
The with regard to the dignity of all the persons and at the inalienable human royalties.

5. Pacifism
All those documents that treat on the defence of the peace and the nonviolence. We understand the pacifism like a global movement that defends the peace, the human and civil royalties, a social movement come from, already was of an entity, an association or of an only person.

6. Third Fourth / world world
Sociological analysis, theory of the inequalities among Third world and Fourth world, movements solidaris, ONG's and cooperation for the development.

7. Movements of liberation for reasons of sex
We Will find documents on the movements of liberation for reasons of sex, considered like a powerful force of social transformation.

8. Foundations and organisations without spirit of lucre
Documents on foundations, entities or organisations that back problems of bands very specific, going further whence arrive the institutions.

9. Movement environmentalist
For a sustainable world and more unripe: no at the nuclear, responsible consumption, defence of the planet, movement animalista, recycling, no at the maltreatment of the animals, etc.

10. Movements veïnals
Documents that testimonien the movements veïnals at defence of his royalties all over in the world, with a gaze to the #long organisational tradition of the Catalan society. The movement veïnal of Cornella, will go at Cornellà- social Movements.

11. Juvenile movements
From the years sixty, arose numerous bands of orderly or spontaneous youngsters that protested to capsize a reality that did not like the ones. At this section will find documents that treat on urban tribes, movements students, against-juvenile culture, etc.

12. Movements anti-globalisation
At this section will find the documents related with the theory of the movements anti-globalisation as well as the carelessly formed for activists provinents that protest against the forms and the methods that is taking the ongoing process of integration at the global economics.

13. Intercultural dialogue
All those documents that talk us of the cultural dialogue to favour the social cohesion, the respect, the integration, the peace, citizen intercultural interaction, no at the racism, social equality, relats personal of persons migrated, experiences of cultural dialogue and the royalties of the persons.

14. Cornellà of Llobregat. Social movements
Documents that testimonien the movements veïnals of Cornellà and at special of the Sant's Barri Ildefons. With a #clear references in the long run associative tradition, cooperativista and participatory of the civil society of the neighbourhood, since his onsets until the actuality. This will be the only section where will find documents with reference at political movements.

15. Biographies
Biographies and relats personal of personages that have been relieving with the social movements.



Subjects: Canvi climàtic, Contaminació, Serveis socials, Multiculturalitat, Moviments socials drets humans feminisme ecologisme gais-lesbianes..., Desigualtat social