Access to libraries

Who can use the library?

Access to the library is open and free for everybody. To use certain services, such as lending or internet, you must have a library card.

Children under 6 years must be accompanied by an adult and cannot be left alone in the children's area.

Can I go if I am a foreigner? and if I live in another Autonomous Community?

You also can.

Where is the library of...?

You can find the exact situation of each library, its address and location map in the section Libraries > Find a library > Search by town.

Quines són les adreces i dades de contacte de les biblioteques?

Si vols saber l'adreça i dades de contacte (telèfon, correu electrònic...) de les diferents biblioteques que formen la Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals només has d'anar a l'apartat Biblioteques > Busca una biblioteca > Busca per municipis, i seleccionar la biblioteca desitjada.

I would like to know the closest library to my home, workplace...

In this case we recommend looking up the map that you will find in the section Libraries > Find a library > Libraries map. To start, click on a county.

You can also download the mobile and tablet app BibliotequesXBM (available for Android and iOS).

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